
Madonna della Corona: the sanctuary in the rocks

A trip to a sanctuary near Lake Garda? If you want to have a peaceful and relaxing day during your holiday at Lake Garda, we recommend the Sanctuary of la Madonna della Corona, a walk path with view over the lake!


This magical sanctuary is built in the rocks of Mount Baldo and is situated in Spiazzi, in the province of Verona. It is a religious place sourrounded by nature and perfect to find inner peace. 

The legend of the Sanctuary  

It is said that in the middle of the 17th century the inhabitants of the Mount Baldo area saw some fires on the rocks. The bravest men decided to discover what was happening and they surprisingly found a statue of the Virgin Mary on the exact point where the fires were seen. Afterwards, they made the decision to move the statue to a more accessible place so that lay people could go there easily to pray. The next day they found the statue in the original place where it was discovered. 

Astonished by this change of place, local people kept praying in front of the statue as they thought not to have done it enough in the previous days. Despite numerous adorations, the statue of the Virgin Mary changed its place again. People realized that it wanted to remain in the original location. Lay people built a religious chapel there and later on a church which is now known as the Sanctuary of the Virgin Mary (il Santuario della Madonna della Corona). 

How to reach the Sanctuary 

There are two different walking paths to get to the Sanctuary of the Virgin Mary. One path is easy and pretty short, instead the other one is challenging and longer. Both of them offer an amazing and  stunning view. 

The challenging path 

This walking path is definitely for experienced people who are willing to spend a few hours going up a quite big number of steps. To get to this path you need to park in the city centre of Brentino Belluno. From that village it starts the trekking path known as the Path of the Hope. It is 2.5 km long and it takes around 2 hours to arrive to the sanctuary. It is absolutely worth it!  

The easy path 

You have to go to the village of Spiazzi, near Caprino Veronese and park in the big parking lot situated in front of the Tourist Point. From the parking you have to follow the sign to the sanctuary. It takes around 20 minutes walking. The path is downhill to go and a bit uphill to return.

Opening Hours
The sanctuary is open all year long with the following opening hours. November - March: from 8 am until 6 pm. April - October: from 7 am until 7.30 pm  The opening hours could be subjected to changes , please verify on the official website. 

If you are planning a relaxing holiday, this is a wonderful day trip! We have much more recommendations to give you, don't hesitate to contact us! 


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